When sleep problems becomes chronic, it can morph into psychophysiological insomnia: As you prepare for bed, you begin to get nervous about sleeping. In this video, David Schulman, MD, director of the ...
West Nile virus is rare but can be deadly. To avoid getting it, you've got to avoid mosquito bites. ...
Is that toothache bothering you? Watch this video on how to reduce the pain using common household products. ...
Do you keep on sneezing and your nose won't stop dripping? Watch this video on how to reduce the annoying cold symptoms with sugar and an onion. ...
Learn how to sew loops onto jackets so you can close zippers if you have weak hand grip strength. ...
Dr. Mercola reviews the options for treating toenail fungus. He revies traditional medical models and a few natural methods. ...
Dr. Mercola reviews simple practical things you can to minimize brain damage from cell phone radiation. ...
Enjoy those thrilling theme park rides without losing your lunch. Find out new ways to keep yourself from puking on even the toughest rides. ...