Robert Kowalski recommends taking grape seed extract to lower blood pressure because it works the same as prescription drugs, without the side effects. ...
Note that is always best to try and avoid a hangover in the first place by pacing yourself and drinking lots of water before sleeping. But if you find yourself hungover follow our directions for a fas ...
By mixing persil powder with toothpaste you can create a bad breath remedy to cover up any alcohol or tobacco on your breath. ...
The next time you feel a tickle in your throat, try using a natural and organic treatment you just might grow to love. Follow these easy steps to find out how to make a sore throat treatment out of le ...
While more severe sunburns may require special medical attention, a minor sunburn can be remedied naturally and organically. Follow these easy steps to find out how to treat your sunburn with lemons. ...
Oh, the misery! Your head is pounding, your whole body aches, and there's nobody—nobody—around to pamper you. You'll just have to pamper yourself. ...
It's the cold and flu season – and anyone who has been sidelined by fever, achy joints, swollen nasal passages and sore throats knows first hand the value of prevention. ...
HIV testing is now easier than ever with the HIV Home Test. Learn what you need to buy, when to take the test and all the steps you need to get you tested and ready for a healthier lifestyle. ...
Nightmares and bad dreams are a common problem. If you suffer from nightmares or bad dreams, this video will give you some tips on how to avoid them. ...